User Guide
Nitro Sign

Nitro Sign for Salesforce

The Nitro Sign for Salesforce app lets you request eSignatures on your sales contracts and other documents directly from Salesforce. You can also view the status of signature requests, and send reminders or cancellations for pending signature requests.

Requesting a Signature

You can request an eSignature from any Account, Contact, Lead or Opportunity record by following the process below.

  1. Select an Account, Contact, Opportunity or Lead: Nitro Sign signature requests can be started from any Salesforce Account, Contact, Opportunity or Lead.
  2. Click the Nitro Sign button: If you can’t see the Nitro Sign button on your Account, Contact, Lead or Opportunity page, your Salesforce administrator will need to first add it to your page layout. Instructions are available in the Nitro Sign for Salesforce Admin Guide
  3. Sign in to Nitro Sign: You will be prompted to log in using your Nitro Sign user credentials. If you do not yet have a Nitro Sign account, please contact your Nitro account admin.
  4. Select your Document: You will be taken to the document selection screen. There are several options when selecting a document to send for electronic signature.

    a) Document Upload. You can choose to upload a document from your computer.

    b) Salesforce Files. You can select from files within your Salesforce organisation. The 'Related to this Record' option will return any files that are visible under Notes and Attachments of the record. The other options will return other types of files from your Salesforce org.

    c) Nitro Sign Templates. You can select from individual or team templates in your Nitro Sign account. To learn how to create templates, see the Create a Signing Template article.

    Click Continue on the bottom right of the screen once you have selected your document to move to the next step.

  5. Input your Recipient/s: There are also several options when selecting the recipient/s for your signature request.

    a) Related Contacts. This will search the Contacts and/or Leads that are directly related to the record where you started your request.

    b) All Salesforce Contacts. This will search all the Contacts or Leads in your Salesforce org.

    c) Your Salesforce Team. This will search through your colleagues who are users in your Salesforce org.

    d) Manually Add a Recipient. You can manually type the name and email address of a contact using this option.You can also add more than one signer to your signature request, define a signing order, and add two factor authentication to your signature requests if you wish. For more information on this, see the relevant articles under Send for Signature.

    Click Continue on the bottom right of the screen once you have added your signer/s to move to the next step.

  6. Edit your Email Subject and Message: You can edit the email subject and message that will be sent to your recipients with the signing request. Click Continue on the bottom right of the screen once you have edited your email subject and message to send the signature request.
  7. Return to Salesforce: Once your signature request is sent, you will see a success message with a button to take you back to Salesforce.

View a Signed Document in Salesforce

Once a signature request has been signed by all parties, a signed copy of the document will be saved back to the Salesforce record the request was sent from.

  1. Select the Account, Contact, Lead or Opportunity: Go to the Account, Contact, Lead or Opportunity record where the signature request was sent from.
  2. Navigate to Notes & Attachments: Navigate to the Notes & Attachments section of the record.
  3. Select the Signed Document: Once a signature request has been signed by all parties, the signed copy of the document will be saved to the record with the name of the original document followed by '_Signed'.

Check the status of a Signature Request

You can check the status of any signature request that has been sent from Salesforce, via the Nitro Sign Signature Request object.

  1. Go to the Nitro Sign Signature Request Object: Search for and select the Nitro Sign Signature Request tab in the App Launcher. You'll be able to see and select from all the signature requests that have been sent from your Salesforce org.
  2. Select the relevant Signature Request: Find the signature request that you are interested in, and click it to see full details, including the current status.

Send a Reminder or Cancel a pending Signature Request

You can send a reminder or cancel a pending signature request directly from Salesforce.

  1. Go to the relevant Signature Request record: Follow the steps in the previous section to navigate to the relevant signature request.
  2. Click the Send Reminder or Cancel button: Select either to Send Reminder or Cancel buttons. You will only be able to send a reminder or cancel a request if there is at least one signer who has not yet signed the document.

Please see our other Nitro Sign User Guide articles for more helpful information.
