Security and Compliance are Our Top Priority
At Nitro, we are committed to protecting our clients' data and privacy. The data processing agreement we have executed with you as our business customer or our privacy policy outlines how we handle and protect your personal data.

Secure your digital process with a reliable partner.

Nitro aligns with industry standards and applies data protection by design and default, without having to compromise your user experience.


How Nitro complies with standards & regulations.
Data Protection​
About our data protection and services.​
Nitro delivers state-of-the-art security.​
An overview of Nitro’s ​legal resources.​
AI at Nitro
An overview of Nitro's approach to data & AI.
Sign electronically with peace of mind​
Nitro ensures your data, documents and electronic signatures stay protected, and we verify our controls through annual compliance testing and certifications. Nitro Sign Premium meets and exceeds some of the most stringent international laws and regulations on electronic signatures applicable in the European Union (eIDAS), the United States of America (UETA, ESIGN), Switzerland (ZertES), Singapore and Hong Kong.​
Protect documents with enhanced accessibility and security
Nitro Sign provides feature-rich abilities to ensure all activity on documents is tracked and available to users through downloadable audit trails. If your organization needs enhanced document security options, we offer plans that include additional security features such as single sign-on (SSO) and two-factor authentication (2FA).​
Privacy is essential
At Nitro, we are committed to protecting our clients' data and privacy. Our privacy policy outlines how we handle and protect your information. Nitro does not see any personal information and has no future plans to do so. On an annual basis, our independent third-party auditors test and evaluate our privacy related controls.
Nitro compliance by solution
Nitro products, services and infrastructure are designed with cutting-edge security controls and multiple layers of defense. Our information security program provides awareness and training to remain vigilant as threats evolve.

Trust Resources

Should you choose simple, advanced or qualified signatures?
Nitro Team
By  Nitro Team
August 25, 2022 03:30 AM
Learn how to choose the right eSignature method as your business and technology evolve.
4 Min Read
The legality of Nitro Sign Premium – a legal assessment​
August 12, 2022 03:29 PM
Download our legal assessment on Nitro Sign Premium to learn more about our compliance with eIDAS, UETA, eSIGN Act, Zertes, Singapore law and Hong Kong law. ​
1 Min Read
Nitro's information security statement
Nitro Team
By  Nitro Team
September 26, 2022 04:53 PM
Read about the precise security measures Nitro takes.​
5 Min Read