User Guide
Nitro Admin Portal

Managing Invites

Any pending user invites can be managed via the Invited users section in the Nitro Admin app.

As a Global Administrator, you can resend or revoke a sent invitation at any point before the invited user has accepted.

Note: Any users that have accepted the invite to join your team will be accessible under Active Users, and only users who have not yet accepted the invite will appear in the Invited Users table.

How to resend or revoke a user invitation :

  1. Login to the Nitro Admin Portal
  2. Select Users in the left navigation pane and navigate to the Invited tab
    resend invite.png
  3. Select Resend Invitation to resend the invitation to the user's email address, and confirm the action by clicking the Resend button in the resulting modal
    resend invite.png
  4. Select Revoke to cancel the invitation sent to a user who has not yet accepted, and confirm the action by clicking the Revoke button in the resulting modal
    revoke invite.png
User Management