Sub-processors and Subcontractors

Nitro uses certain Sub-processors to provide Services to its Customers. This page on our website intends to inform you on which Sub-processors are applicable and are used by Nitro.

What is a Sub-processor?

A Sub-processor is a data processor engaged by Nitro who has or potentially will have access to or process personal data when you are using our Services. Nitro engages different types of Sub-processors to perform various functions as explained below. Such services provided by the Sub-processors we engage are essential for making available all functionalities of the Services we offer.
When does Nitro engage a new Sub-processor?
Customers who signed Nitro’s Data Processing Addendum will be notified by Nitro in case the Sub-processor list as published on this website is being updated, aligned with the process set out in the relevant Data Processing Addendum.

Nitro undertakes to update this Sub-processors’ list regularly (when applicable) to enable its Customers to stay informed on the scope of subprocessing activities associated with our Services.

Sub-processors engaged in our services

Nitro Pro

    • NamePurposeData Center Location
      Amazon Web ServicesHosting ServicesEU Data Centers
      App CenterCrash Logs
      Auth0Authentication ServicesEU Data Centers
      AzureOpenAI hosted on Azure
      BugsplatCaptures application crashes with an optional email fieldAWS - Virginia/USA
      CloudflareWeb Application FirewallGlobal
      Conga ComposerOnboarding Emails, Provisioning Emails EU Data Centers
      DataDogLogging ProviderEU Data Centers
      GooglereCAPTCHA: Spam PreventionUnited States
      IntercomProduct Onboarding and Customer ContactEU Data Centers
      Kofax CSDK (PDF/A Conversion)Cloud conversion for PDF/A
      NalpeironStores a computer ID that identifies a machine and has an optional username/email field that users can enter data into at activation time.Rackspace - Chicago/USA
      PaddleSupport for LicensingAWS - US-East-1, US-West-2
      PlanhatSupport Services
      Redis CloudCaching serviceEU Data Centers
      SFDCSupport ServicesED Data Centers
      SnowflakeDatabase storage servicesEU data centers
      WorkatoSupport ServicesUS - Virginia

Nitro Sign (Essentials & Advanced)

    • NamePurposeData Center Location
      Amazon Web ServicesHosting servicesEU data centers
      Auth0Authentication servicesEU data centers
      SnowflakeDatabase storage servicesEU data centers
      IntercomProduct Onboarding and Customer ContactEU data centers
      SFDCSupport servicesEU data centers
      WorkatoSupport ServicesUS (Virginia) 
      PlanhatSupport Services 
      CloudflareWeb Application FirewallGlobal
      DataDogLogging ProviderEU data centers
      NotariusUsed by Nitro Sign (Essentials & Advanced) to digitally sign customer documents.Canada
      Conga composerOnboarding Emails, Provisioning Emails EU data centers
      GooglereCAPTCHA: Spam PreventionUnited States

Nitro Sign Premium

    • Entity NameEntity TypeData Center LocationCertifications
      Microsoft AzureCloud Service ProviderAmsterdam and DublinISO 27001
    • NamePurposeLocation
      Amazon Web Services*

      SMS OTP Signing Method: SMS Gateway sending SMS messages

      Email OTP signing: Email Gateway, mailing service provider

      Data Centers located in the EEA
      CM.comSMS OTP signing method: SMS Gateway sending SMS messagesThe Netherlands
      CriiptoIntermediary party related to the Nordics Identity SchemesDenmark
      Esendex**SMS OTP Signing Method: SMS Gateway sending SMS messagesUK
      iDINIdentification via the Dutch iDIN schemeThe Netherlands
      MTarget**SMS OTP Signing Method: SMS Gateway sending SMS messagesFrance
      TripolisEmail OTP signing: Email Gateway, mailing service providerThe Netherlands

      * AWS only used for customers not based in the EU
      ** Esendex and MTarget are currently not applicable in case of a default set-up and will only be in scope in case of specific demands of the client.

    • NamePurpose
      Salesforce (Service Cloud)Management tool for support services related to Nitro eSignatures in general (web-based ticketing system)
    • NamePurpose
      Belgian Mobile ID (itsme Services)Provisioning of itsme® Services (for identification, authentication and e-signing)
      Finnish Trust NetworkProvisioning of services related to the Finnish Trust Network
      Nem ID/MitIDProvisioning of services related to Nem ID/MitID
      Norwegian Bank IDProvisioning of services related to Norwegian Bank ID
      OneIDProvisioning of OneID service
      Swedish Bank IDProvisioning of services related to Swedish Bank ID
      SwisscomProvisioning of Swisscom Signing service
    • NamePurpose
      CertignaIssuing of RGS/eIDAS certificates and timestamping services
      CamerfirmaIssuing of eIDAS certificates and timestamping services
      GlobalSignIssuing of certificates
      BE-YSIssuing of certificates (only for specific client set-ups)
      NotariusRemote hash signing and timestamping

Nitro Digital Signing Service

    • NamePurposeLocation
      Microsoft AzureCloud Service Provider; HostingEurope
    • NamePurpose
      Salesforce (Service Cloud)Management tool for support services related to Nitro Digital Signing Service (web-based ticketing system)
    • NamePurpose
      CertignaIssuing of RGS/eIDAS certificates and time-stamping services
      CamerfirmaIssuing of eIDAS certificates and time-stamping services
      GlobalSignIssuing of certificates
      BE-YSIssuing of certificates (only for specific client set-ups)
      NotariusRemote hash signing and time-stamping

Nitro Validation Service

    • NamePurposeLocation
      Microsoft AzureCloud Service, HostingEurope

Nitro Identity Service

    • NamePurposeLocation
      Microsoft Azure Cloud Service Provider; HostingEurope
    • NamePurpose
      Salesforce (Service Cloud)Management tool for support services related to Nitro Identity Hub (web-based ticketing system)

Nitro Identity Hub

    • NamePurposeLocation
      Microsoft AzureCloud Service Provider; HostingEurope
    • NamePurpose
      Salesforce (Service Cloud)Management tool for support services related to Nitro Sign Premium (web-based ticketing system)
    • NamePurpose
      Belgian Mobile ID (itsme Services)Provisioning of itsme® Services (for identification and authentication)
      Electronic IDProvisioning of video identification services
      Finnish Trust NetworkProvisioning of services related to the Finnish Trust Network
      Nem ID/MitIDProvisioning of services related to Nem ID/MitID
      Norwegian Bank IDProvisioning of services related to Norwegian Bank ID
      OneIDProvisioning of OneID service
      Swedish Bank IDProvisioning of services related to Swedish Bank ID
      SwisscomProvisioning of Swisscom Signing service

Nitro Group Companies

The following entities are members of the Nitro Group:

Nitro Software LtdAustralia
Nitro Software EMEA LtdIreland
Nitro Software Inc.United States
Nitro Software Canada LtdCanada
Nitro Software Germany GmbHGermany
Nitro Software Hungary Kft.Hungary
Nitro Software Belgium NVBelgium
Nitro Software France SASFrance
Nitro Software Portugal LDAPortugal

Global Sub-processors

This section provides information about the identity, location, and role of material Sub-processors Nitro is engaging for its own internal business purposes. Nitro by default qualifies as data controller in relation to these Sub-processors and they are in general not engaged within the Services Nitro is offering pursuant to customer agreements unless they are also mentioned in the sections above. 

Amazon Web ServicesHosting ServicesEU Data Centers
CyberSourcePayment ProcessingUnited States
GetFeedbackCustomer SurveysUS Data Centers
GongCall RecordingUnited States
GoogleAnalyticsUnited States
IntercomCustomer CommunicationUnited States
Invision CommunitySupport ForumUS Data Centers
MarketoMarketing ToolUnited States
Microsoft OfficeInfrastructure United States
Oracle AmericaBillingUnited States
PaddleMOR and Payment Processing (MAC)United States
SalesforceCustomer Relationship Management and Customer SupportEU Data Centers
SalesloftCustomer Relationship ManagementUnited States
SlackCollaboration and CommunicationUnited States
SnowflakeDatabase Storage ServicesEU Data Centers
StripePayment ProcessingUnited States