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Streamline Your eSigning Workflows

Learn how With the Zapier integration for Nitro Sign, you can easily build automated eSigning workflows.

How it works

Zapier’s workflow builder lets you quickly connect Nitro Sign to over 2,000 popular apps and services—without the need for a developer.

  • Simply create or log in to your Zapier account, search for Nitro in the app library, and log in to Nitro Sign.
  • Then, start creating your first signing workflow with the Zap Editor.

Using the Zap Editor is a completely guided process that requires no development experience. With just a few clicks, you’ll transform your tedious document processes into optimized, automated workflows.

Try these workflow automations and watch your productivity soar

Complete an action in a connected app to trigger the send of a saved Nitro Sign template out for signature.

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Send employee onboarding documents for signature with Nitro Sign when a new employee is set up in your HR system

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Send a saved template out for signature when a specific field or record is updated in your Salesforce account

Trigger an action in a connected app when a Nitro Sign signature request has been completed.

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Save signed documents to OneDrive, Drobox, or another shared file storage system

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Alert your team via a chat app such as Slack that a Nitro Sign signature request has been completed

The Nitro Sign-Zapier integration is now available with all Nitro Sign Enterprise plans. To learn more about Nitro Sign or how it works with Zapier, please contact your Nitro Customer Success manager.

Article eSignatures