
Automate Your eSignature Workflows with Zapier

Connect Nitro Sign with over 2,000 apps to optimize your signing processes.

Free yourself from repetitive tasks

Create custom Zaps in just a few clicks to connect your documents to thousands of popular apps and create workflow automations in minutes.
Send templates for signature automatically
Complete an action in a connected app to trigger sending a saved Nitro Sign template out for signature. Common use cases include: Sending onboarding documents for signature when a new employee is added to your HR system, and sending a saved template out for signature when an account is updated in Salesforce.
Alert teams and file documents automatically
Trigger an action in a connected app when a Nitro Sign signature request has been completed. Common use cases include: Alerting your team via Slack that a signature request has been completed, and saving signed documents to OneDrive, Dropbox, or another shared file storage system.
See how Nitro can power up your document stack
Experience a tailored approach to productivity and unlock your best work.