Helpful Tips for Creating Solid Weekly Timesheets for Your Business

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Among the areas where companies often struggle is recordkeeping. Especially for big companies with dozens or even hundreds of employees, understanding how to keep everything organized isn't easy. While some areas can be occasionally overlooked without a lot of trouble, employee time and payroll isn't one of them.

To reduce problems, and ensure that everyone is paid properly, consider the value of a weekly timesheet template. That allows you to track all employees, individually, in a way that's uniform and simple to follow. Whether you handle the payroll or contract that task out to others, uniformity will make it easier.

Table of Contents

A weekly timesheet template can be among the most important ways to properly keep track of employee payroll. It works for both salary and hourly employees, so you can use it for everyone in your company. A lot of companies pay weekly, or every other week, making the tracking of hours on a weekly basis a good option for many businesses. In this article, you can learn about:

  • Important Details for Weekly Timesheets
  • Best Practices for Recording Payment Information
  • Tips for Securely Signing Weekly Timesheets
  • Key Considerations for Timesheet Creation
  • Additional Resources to Help You Learn

Important Details for a Weekly Timesheet

Unlike a contract, a timesheet doesn't need clauses and boilerplate language. But there are still details that have to be included, to make the timesheet as useful as possible. With a weekly timesheet template, some specifics that need to be included are:

1. Employee Details -- One of the worst things that could happen would be mixing up employees and paying them incorrectly based on that. Trying to sort that out could cause a lot of frustration and take time, as well. Details matter.

2. Days of the Week -- The hours should be recorded every day, so the days of the week are necessary. That way, the employee knows where the specific information goes, and so do you.

3. In/Out Columns Plus Overtime -- Having a column for the hours the employee clocked in and out, including in/out for lunch, can help ensure that the hours are accurate for the week. Overtime should have a separate column.

There's no need to create something on your own, when you can just use a weekly timesheet template for your convenience. Not only does that make everything easier and more uniform, but it also makes it easier for your employees to feel confident that you'll pay them properly.

Best Practices for Your Weekly Timesheet

If your company pays its people weekly, having a weekly timesheet template is the best way to make sure that everyone is keeping track and properly taken care of. It also reduces the chances of making a mistake with payroll, and makes processing that payroll easier if you outsource that service to someone else. A few of the best practices for a weekly timesheet template include:

  • Making sure each timesheet is fully completed, so there's no confusion.
  • Adding any details for time off, so it's not overlooked when scheduling.
  • Creating a convenient option, so payroll gets processed more efficiently.

Your employees need to know that they're being fairly paid. When you use a weekly timesheet template, they can see their hours and let you know if there are discrepancies they're concerned about. They can also see that you're using the same option for every employee, which helps them feel more secure.

Tips for the Security of a Weekly Timesheet

The best ways to secure an employee's weekly timesheet is electronically. You can send it that way, and have it signed and sent back, too. For example, use Nitro Sign for all your important documents, like timesheets, so everything stays protected. It's so easy to sign online, and helps with peace of mind, as well.

Key Considerations for Completing a Weekly Timesheet

If you have employees you're paying weekly, the accuracy of their timesheets matters. Some of the main areas you'll want to consider to help with that accuracy include:

  • Making sure every employee has a timesheet that has the right information on it.
  • Using the same template for everyone, to avoid discrepancies.
  • Choosing a weekly timesheet template that offers the right level of detail.

A weekly timesheet template means protection for your company, and also for your employees.

Additional Resources for Information

Want to learn more about weekly timesheets? Here are a couple resources to check out:

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