Digital Transformation may be complex, but one thing is for certain: the vast majority of organizations are just getting started on their journeys. At Nitro, we want to help you, the digital trailblazer, navigate these waters to find answers and insights to the complex world of Digital Transformation. Every month we’ll publish a short-list of vetted, actionable insights to make learning about trends in document management and productivity simple—and even enjoyable.
We’ll introduce you to the experts who dominate this subject and keep you up to speed on what you need to know now.
Without further ado, here’s your May round-up:
Digital Transformation Is Critical For Business Development
“Digital innovations are creating opportunities quicker and quicker every day. And businesses in every industry need to utilize technological advances to not only stay competitive, but to survive.” Jia Wertz takes a closer look at successful strategies enterprise businesses are using to say ahead of the curve.
The Sorry State Of Digital Transformation In 2018
Ted Schadler, Vice President, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research reminds us that we’re still “transforming,” and the fact that progress is taking as long as it is (started in 1997) is a clear indicator that achieving DT is a challenge for any Enterprise organization. But hard doesn’t mean impossible — see what Ted is saying.
The key to digital transformation: Move customers to the center
The Enterprise is going digital and there is no turning back. Therefore, companies have no “choice but to invest in digital transformation.” According to CXOTalk and ZDNet contributor Michael Krigsman, this means “Placing the customer in the center of the universe, rethinking processes. It involves making substantial investments, investments in people, investments in technologies. Companies are in various stages of that journey. Some industries more so than others.” Why? Because “It takes a long time.” Krigsman sat with TechRepublic and ZDNet’s Jason Hiner to peel back the layers of DT and uncover the most important, yet overlooked, facet of this journey: the customer. Check out their interview here.
Digital transformation and the CIO: Everything you need to know today
It’s time to cut IT some slack. According to Michael Krigsman, they’re
under pressure because they face expectations to simultaneously innovate, sustain operational excellence, and save money… In other words, innovate—but keep these moving, uninterrupted. Innovate—but don’t spend any money. He states. “These three goals are in conflict and almost mutually exclusive, but the modern CIO mandate involves them all.” This month Michael hosted a CIO Summit at the Digital Enterprise Show in Madrid. This summary goes in-depth on what you need to know!
Do you have an article, interview or video to add to this month’s round up? Let us know on Twitter using #DXRoundUp.