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The Benefits of Electronic Lease Signing


Learn how to use an eSigning solution to keep your properties filled and your tenants safe.

From overseeing repairs to finding tenants, being a landlord comes with a full plate. One thing you shouldn’t have to worry about? Getting your lease agreements signed. With social distancing and quarantine regulations in full swing, printing lengthy contracts, mailing, faxing or setting up in-person meetings to get your contracts signed is a struggle for many landlords. Plus, don't forget, you still have to store mountains of documentation. Let us help you! There’s a better way. Trust us.


What is an eSignature?

eSignatures have all of the legal power of handwritten signatures. Don't worry - they are secure like a lockbox. You scan your contract or use a boilerplate template. You drag and drop the bits you need the tenant to complete, you enter their email, and send it for signature. You can then track and send reminders to the tenant, all electronically. No calls. No coordination. No printers. No paper. No pen.


Start eSigning lease agreements online with Nitro Sign

In these uncertain times, every landlord, property manager, and leasing agent needs an eSigning solution to kNitro Sign Essentials trialseep their properties filled and their tenants safe. That’s why we’re offering free Nitro Sign Essentials trials, to help businesses successfully adapt to working from home.


The benefits of electronic lease signing

  1. Time saved Slash the time you spend printing, scanning, faxing, and attending meetings. Switching to electronic lease rental agreements makes signing faster and easier for you and your tenants. Access our templates (free when you sign up for Nitro Sign Premium through 2020) to help you save time when you have the same set of signers that need to sign multiple documents.
  2. Smarter, simpler storage Retained signed copies of lease agreements is essential, but it’s also a hassle. Quickly locating those documents when you need them is even tougher.

With PDF versions of your signed leases and fillable rental agreements, you’ll save space and find exactly what you need, when you need it. Nitro Sign integrates with the most common cloud storage services so you can easily access your documents wherever they choose.

  1. Improved security Lease agreements stored in the cloud with Nitro Sign are far more secure than paper files. If you mail, fax, and email lease agreements, your documents (not to mention your tenants’ private information) are even more at risk.
  2. Satisfied tenants Many potential tenants not only appreciate eSigning, they expect it. Making leasing signing easy and convenient starts your relationship off on the right foot.
  3. Way less printing Even the simplest lease and rental agreements use a lot of paper and ink. Add extra details and clauses, and you’re looking at a thick stack of paper each and every time you sign a new tenant.
  4. Sign anytime, anywhere Landlords and tenants alike love the convenience of signing with any device from any location. Tenants who are moving in from other cities or states will be extra appreciative.


FAQs about Signing Lease Agreements Online

Is signing lease agreements online legal? Yes! Under the ESIGN and UETA acts, electronic signatures have all of the legal power of handwritten signatures.

Will my rental agreements and real estate contracts be secure? Absolutely. The data encryption of Nitro Sign means that your documents are in the safest place possible. And with document verification, you and your tenants can feel assured knowing that no one can edit the documents after they’ve been signed.

Will my tenants and I have copies of the online lease agreement? Yes. In fact, under U.S. e signing laws, electronically signed documents must be retained. With Nitro Sign, both you and your tenants can always access the signed lease agreement.