Bookkeeping Contract Template Considerations

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If you are working as a bookkeeper, you will want to have a contract in place to protect your interests and the interests of your clients. Bookkeeping is highly sensitive work, and as such you will need the right protections in place to ensure everyone is comfortable with the arrangement. This guide will help you find, sign, and use bookkeeping contracts effectively.

Below We’ll Cover

  • Parts of a Bookkeeping Contract
  • Important Clauses to Consider
  • Security with Bookkeeping Contracts
  • Links to Additional Resources
  • Signing a Bookkeeping Contract Template

Parts of a Bookkeeping Contract

A bookkeeping contract will outline the services you provide as a bookkeeper. It will also outline the processes you need to have in place to get paid. Some of the most important parts to include are:

  • Name and address for the bookkeeper
  • Name and address for the client
  • Bookkeeper’s license information
  • Date the contract and work go into effect
  • Length of the contract
  • List of bookkeeping services provided
  • Pricing and payment arrangements

Important Clauses to Consider

As you build your bookkeeping contract template to be specific to your services, consider adding these clauses:

  • Dissolution clause No bookkeeping contract is going to last indefinitely. Outline the steps necessary to end the contract early, if desired.
  • Performance clause This clause allows the bookkeeper to promise that they will perform their duties based on the National Tax Preparers’ Association and the National Association of Accountant standards.
  • Material and data access clause In order to do accounting work, you will need access to the client’s financial records and accounts. This clause gives you that access.
  • Independent contractor clause Most bookkeepers work on an independent contractor basis, so consider adding a clause that outlines your role and how your client will view you.
  • Client cooperation clauseYour bookkeeping work is only as successful as the information provided by the client. This clause indicates the client’s responsibility to provide accurate information and indicates that you are not held liable for misrepresentation on the client’s end.
  • Liability clauseClearly state what you can and cannot be held liable for.

Security with Bookkeeping Contracts

Because your bookkeeping work is so sensitive, you will need to pay a high level of attention to security. This starts with delivering and signing the contract itself. Use Nitro Sign to securely deliver these documents and collect necessary signatures.

Make sure the contract contains verbiage regarding the security of digital files. Outline how files will be transferred securely and what your responsibility is once you have them, including any liability if your own computers get hacked.

Once you are under contract, keep your computers up-to-date with the latest security software to prevent hacking and other security issues.

Links to Additional Resources

To learn more about bookkeeping contracts, visit these resources:

Signing a Bookkeeping Contract Template

After you personalize your bookkeeping contract template, send it to your client for a signature. WithNitro Sign, you can do so easily and securely, saving both of you time as you set up your bookkeeping relationship.

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