
Simplify eSignature Workflows with Microsoft Power Automate

Connect Nitro Sign with over 200 popular business apps to create workflows that run on their own.

Set it & forget it

Make complex processes easier with automated multi-step eSigning workflows that connect to the apps your organization is already using.
Trigger actions with signature completions
Trigger an action in another application when signature requests are completed. Automatically save signed documents to your cloud storage system, or alert teams via emails when signature requests are complete.
Send Nitro Sign documents automatically
Use actions in another application to trigger sending a saved Nitro Sign template for signature. Automatically send standard onboarding documents to new employees, or NDAs to new customers.
Connect to your Microsoft 365 Suite
Connect Nitro Sign with your complete Microsoft 365 product suite and enable eSigning workflows through Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Forms, and more.
See how Nitro can power up your document stack
Experience a tailored approach to productivity that empowers organizations to unlock their best work.