Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know about Nitro's acquisition of Connective, and their high-trust eSigning solutions.
    • Joining forces with Connective accelerates our product roadmap, and puts us in a much stronger position to help you along your digital transformation journey. This acquisition adds best-in-class functionality to the Nitro Productivity Platform to ensure we’re meeting every customer need. Learn more about the acquisition and what it means for the future of Nitro from CEO & Founder Sam Chandler.

    • Connective’s solutions address stringent compliance requirements across the globe, as well as bring a range of features including:

      • Support for high-trust digital signatures (Advanced or Qualified eSignatures)
      • Powerful API and integrations that allows you to flawlessly integrate into existing front-end and back-end systems like your CRM or ERP
      • Advanced Workflow capabilities to seamlessly integrate eSignatures with your existing business workflows
      • Support for global & cross-border digital transactions
      • Support for a wide range of electronic identification methods
      • Document generation solution
    • Nitro Sign continues to be a great solution for unlimited, secure and flexible eSignatures. Connective offers a wide range of electronic identification methods, and may be more appropriate if your industry or workflows require high-trust eSigning (Advanced or Qualified eSignatures) to comply with global regulations.

    • Advanced Electronic Signatures require a signer to validate their identity before signing. They also help ensure that the document is not altered after it’s been signed, and provide a digital certificate of the transaction.

    • Qualified Electronic eSignatures take security one step further by requiring identity verification through a qualified trust service provider. Again, a certificate of the transaction is issued, and the document cannot be altered after it’s been completed.

    • No - your Nitro Sign account continues to function as it always has.

    • Not yet! We’re looking forward to adding this integration in the future. In the meantime, you can continue to use Nitro Sign to get eSignatures through Nitro PDF Pro.

    • We’d be happy to help! Fill out this form and we’ll be in touch.

Contact Us
For specific questions about Connective and your Nitro solutions, please contact us and we'll be happy to help.