Nitro Blog

Wir feiern Pride bei Nitro: Seien Sie Ihr authentisches Ich


Juni ist Pride Month, und wir feiern das, indem wir einige großartige Nitronauten in der LGBTQIA+-Community ins Rampenlicht stellen.

Bei Nitro ist Diversität nicht nur ein Ziel, auf das wir hinarbeiten. Vielmehr ist es eine Mission, die von uns verlangt, dass wir einen unserer Grundwerte in der Praxis leben: Be Good. Der Juni ist der Pride-Monat. Wir feiern ihn, indem wir einige herausragende Nitronauten aus der LGBTQIA+-Gemeinschaft ins Rampenlicht stellen.

Wir haben uns mit Heather Arnold, Julie Gannon, Marcus Connolly und Chris Kirby getroffen, um über die Bedeutung von Pride, ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen und die Zukunft von Pride bei der Arbeit zu sprechen:

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There is a lot more space for more identities and, more folks will continue to find space for them within that community. But, we need to find more ways for inclusion and representation to allow for more people to exist within that community and feel supported.
Heather Arnold (They/Them), Business Systems Analyst
We’ve got to realize that without those people in the older generation that took steps to get out of their comfort zone, to protest, riot, and get everything up and running, we would not be where we are today. We are standing on their shoulders, and they gave us the foundation to put everything that we have now in place.
Marcus Connolly (He/Him), Deal Desk Team Lead
The previous generation went through battles for us. And without the sacrifices and the willingness to stand up for what they believed in, we wouldn’t be having this conversation and this opportunity to speak about it, so thank you. To the generation to come, don’t forget.
Julie Gannon.jpg
Julie Gannon (She/Her), Global Manager of SMB & MM Sales
You don’t have to lie when you live your truth, and being in this community and in this company allows that, and that’s what is really nice. You’re just yourself.
Chris Kirby (He/Him), Workplace Operations Coordinator