Bei Nitro ist Diversität nicht nur ein Ziel, auf das wir hinarbeiten. Vielmehr ist es eine Mission, die von uns verlangt, dass wir einen unserer Grundwerte in der Praxis leben: Be Good. Der Mai ist der Monat des asiatisch-amerikanisch-pazifischen Kulturerbes (AAPI). Wir feiern ihn, indem wir einige herausragende AAPI-Nitronauten der ins Rampenlicht stellen.
Ich habe mit Julie Gannon, Tiffany Farolan und Eric Salas darüber gesprochen, was dieser Monat für sie bedeutet und wie sie ihn feiern:
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Podiumsdiskussion zum AAPI Heritage Month 2021
It’s important we do anything we can do to help broaden people’s perspectives on the whole Asian experience, and that goes for us as well, as there are so many Asian cultures that are represented under umbrella of the AAPI term, and we all have very different experiences, heritages, and backgrounds. [I have] a newfound appreciation around the breadth of that Asian experience.
Eric Salas, VP of Business Operations & Strategy
For me, the last month has been about holding my shoulders tall, being proud of my heritage, and being more open to talking about it… because people aren’t going to learn unless we’re willing to share.
Julie Gannon, Global Manager of SMB & MM Sales
This is the year of change, by looking inwards and understanding your roots [we] can help educate people, and ultimately become a better society... Being a member of the AAPI group has been amazing, it’s really connected me with my Filipino roots, and made me think about how I want to be represented as an Asian woman in leadership.
Tiffany Farolan, Senior Business Partner