User Guide
Nitro PDF Pro Windows

Submit Form Data

Creating a Submit button within a PDF form allows users to automatically submit their entered data to a specified URL or email address. You can easily create a Submit button on your forms to help users in submitting form data. If you choose to submit data to a URL, you should be aware that you will need to set up server-side programming in order to collect and route the form data. If you choose to submit data to an email address, the email body will contain the form data, and you have several options for specifying which data is included or excluded.

How to create a submit button:

  1. Open the PDF in Nitro Pro
  2. On the Forms ribbon, click Push Button
  3. On the page, drag the pointer where you want the button to appear
  4. Double-click on the field and under the Properties ribbon, name the field submitForm, and then set General and Appearance properties
  5. Select Layout in the Options properties and select Label only. Click the Label field and enter Submit Form
  6. In the Actions tab, click Select Action and select Submit a form from the drop down menu
  7. Click Add Action to List… and then choose the submission method in the Submit form togroup
  8. Select the fields. Click Submit all fields or Submit only these fields, and click Select… to select the fields you want to submit. Check the boxes for Include empty values and/or Convert date values to standard format if desired
  9. Click OK