User Guide
Nitro PDF Pro MacOS

Exporting to Microsoft® Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF/A

(Advanced feature of Nitro PDF Pro)

Convert a PDF into Microsoft® Excel, Microsoft® PowerPoint, PDF Archive (PDF/A).

  1. Open the PDF you would like to convert and choose File > Export…Select the desired type of document, Excel Document (XLSX), PowerPoint Document (PPTX), or PDF/A from the Export dialog.
  2. For added accuracy, please select the language of your document in the “Language(s) in document:” menu. Click Export.
  3. Depending on the size of the PDF this may take a moment. The dialog will change to show a progress bar along with the amount of time elapsed since the conversion started, and the estimated amount of time the conversion will take. Once the conversion is finished a Save dialog appears. Choose a location on your hard drive to save this new document. Click Save to finish.
  4. Open After Saving is checked by default. If you don’t wish to open the file after you save it, uncheck this.

Microsoft® Excel, Microsoft® PowerPoint, PDF Archive (PDF/A) format export is only available to registered users due to licensing limitations. Please contact us for examples or more information.

Nitro PDF Pro for MacOS Advanced Features