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Nitro Migration Assistant

PDFpen and PDFpen Pro customers who purchased Nitro PDF Pro Essentials or Nitro PDF Pro can migrate their settings with one, easy app and start working in Nitro PDF Pro in minutes.

We are delighted you've purchased Nitro PDF Pro for your Mac!

PDFpen users can migrate library items (custom and stamps), customized user preferences, and licensing and registration data with Nitro’s free Migration Assistant utility app!

The Nitro Migration Assistant is available to PDFpen customers on the following versions who purchased Nitro PDF Pro from the Nitro website, the Apple App Store, or Setapp:

  • PDFpen v11+
  • PDFpenPro v11+ 
  • PDFpen (Mac App Store) 
  • PDFpenPro v11+ (Mac App Store) 
  • PDFpen (Setapp) 

System Requirements: Nitro Migration Assistant is available for Macs running macOS 10.14 (Mojave) or later.

How to migrate data from PDFpen to Nitro

1. Ensure both PDFpen and Nitro PDF Pro are fully installed on your Mac.

2. Download Nitro Migration Assistant on your desktop.

3. Confirm both PDFpen and Nitro PDF Pro applications are no longer running.

4. Double-click on the Nitro Migration Assistant icon to launch the application.


Double-click on the Nitro Migration Assistant icon to launch the application

5. Click Migrate Settings to proceed.

Click “Migrate Settings” to proceed

6. Nitro Migration Assistant will recognize the latest versions of PDFpen or PDFpenPro on your Mac. If you have multiple applications, use the dropdown menu to select the application from which you want data migrated. Example: PDFpenPro (13.1)

Nitro Migration Assistant will recognize the latest versions of PDFpen

7. Click Continue Migration.

8. Nitro Migration Assistant will recognize the latest versions of Nitro PDF Pro on your Mac. If you have multiple applications, use the dropdown menu to select the application to which you want data migrated. Example: Nitro PDF Pro (13.2.1)

Nitro Migration Assistant will recognize the latest versions of PDFpen or PDFpenPro on your Mac

9. Click Continue Migration.

10. Once migration is complete, a notice will appear affirming success.

Once migration is complete, a notice will appear affirming success

11. Click Launch Nitro PDF Pro to launch the Nitro PDF Pro application.

12. Click Close to quit Nitro Migration Assistant or choose Nitro Migration Assistant > Quit Nitro Migration Assistant.

Note: We recommend migrating your settings before registering your latest license. Nitro Migrator will migrate your license along with the settings of the application being migrated. If your PDFpen settings were migrated after registering your latest Nitro PDF Pro license, please re-register your latest license following these steps:

  1. Launch Nitro
  2. Click on Register with a license
  3. Copy and paste your license code: [license code]
  4. Click the Activate button


*PDFpen and PDFpenPro v13x customers