Nitro Blog

Year in Review: What Nitro Customers and Partners Proudly Achieved in 2022

Image for Nitro 2022 Year in Review

Let’s take a moment to celebrate the successes of our Nitro customers and partner community.

2022 was a huge year at Nitro—not only for our team, but also for our partners and more than 1.5 million business users around the world who joined us on their digital transformation journey. After all, our customers and partners are what make Nitro special!

Picking our most memorable moments from the year was no easy feat. Here are some highlights of what we all achieved together:

1.375 Billion pages saved from printing. That's 165,000 trees saved!
$870 million total cost savings in 2022 for organizations using Nitro.

124 million pounds of CO2 emissions saved.

100% license utilization rate for Nitro PDF Pro.

99% customer satisfaction score.

*PHEW*. We told you it was a busy year! It's always exciting to see the impact of our efforts and the successes of our customers and partners.

Now, let’s take a look behind the numbers.

How Did We Capture These Insights?

Data and business intelligence are key drivers in helping organizations make strategic decisions for a successful digital transformation and stay ahead of the competition. With that in mind, we developed a powerful analytics solution as part of the Nitro Productivity Platform, which we use ourselves to capture some of the metrics you see above.

Not only does Nitro Analytics help our customers quantify usage, productivity, ROI and environmental impact, it's a unique differentiator of our business offering. In fact, there’s nothing else like it on the market.

Check out this overview video to see Nitro Analytics in action.

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Nitro Analytics

How Can You Use Nitro Analytics in Your Digital Transformation Strategy?

1. Track Cost Savings and ROI

The global economic downturn, inflation and supply chain challenges are creating headwinds for organizations and management are needing to ask difficult questions to cut costs. It’s tough out there for today’s leaders, which is why we are is committed to providing your organization with better visibility that won't break the bank.

If you didn't already spot it above, organizations across the world saved $870 million by using Nitro. That's an achievement we're pretty damn proud of!

Nitro Analytics includes a built-in automatic ROI calculator for our Productivity Platform of PDF and eSign solutions. The system calculates the potential cost savings for the organization based off print reduction including paper, hardware and hours saved. Armed with such valuable data, IT teams can demonstrate ROI to key stakeholders and justify a case for investing in the licenses employees need.


2. Measure Environmental Impact

In a 2022 Global Sustainability Study by Simon-Kucher, 66% of consumers rank sustainability as one of the top five drivers behind a purchase decision—up from 50% in 2021. It’s no longer a trend; it’s a requirement. As a result, businesses are forced to look at the long-term sustainability impact of their business actions in order to adapt and meet these evolving expectations.

In 2022 alone, Nitro helped businesses save:

  • 124 million pounds of CO2 emissions
  • 1.375 billion pages from printing
  • More than 165,000 trees

Working behind the scenes, Nitro Analytics helps you uncover valuable insights into your organization's environmental impact so you can share a host of impressive statistics with your team throughout your digital transformation journey.


If you consider how many multi-page documents you print and sign that could instead be more secure PDFs and electronic signatures, your impact on the environment adds up quickly!

3. Analyze User Adoption

With a surge in organizations rolling out digital transformation initiatives, users and IT teams are managing more tools, programs and applications than ever before. So, when it comes to a successful implementation, user adoption is a real advantage.

But tracking how, when and IF people are using your software effectively isn’t always easy.

How can you ensure users love your PDF software? Are they engaged and productive? What features are they using most and where could you optimize efficiency?

Nitro business customers enjoyed a 100% utilization rate for Nitro PDF Pro in 2022.

Nitro Analytics' easy-to understand visual dashboard and unique features like The Version Distribution Graph will help you monitor access and usage of Nitro PDF and eSign solutions. This enables you to track and optimize the experience of your users.

Analytics Animation - Graphs & Charts

Whether you’re a growing small to medium sized business or a large enterprise organization, insights like these help you identify learning opportunities so you can build more connected workflows and engagement across your business.

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