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Howden Q&A Part 3: Why Support Matters When Evaluating PDF Solutions

Part three of our series with engineering leader, Howden, discusses the importance of customer service and support, and why Nitro stands out from other software vendors.

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Howden Q&A Part 3

The third Q&A in our four-part series with engineering leader, Howden, shares valuable advice for finding the right PDF software for your business needs.

Follow along as Aiden Curran discusses his evaluation criteria, advice for getting stakeholder buy-in and what great customer support should look like in the age of digital transformation.

In case you missed the series, you can learn more from Aiden's experiences here:

Q. You mentioned that customer support is a key deciding factor when evaluating vendors, why is it so crucial?

A: Absolutely, customer service is pivotal to success. Software drives our business and if that software affects productivity, then it affects our bottom line, creates frustration and increases the number of support tickets with IT. That's overhead for us. For example, if we are looking to increase our eSigning limits, I can pick up a phone or I can send an email to somebody at Nitro. Within a day, a member of the team reaches out and we start talking about how we can achieve those numbers.

Q. How did you know Nitro was the right partnership for you?

A: From day one with Nitro I found that there has been a strong partnership. It's something which really differentiates Nitro from any other supplier that we work with. It was one of the easiest implementations, mainly due to the support that we received from the team.

Q. What was your experience of searching for other PDF vendors?

A: We work with numerous software vendors globally. The common theme from most of those vendors is you don't hear from them. There is no ability to reach out to them, to speak about improvements in the software or to make them aware of internal initiatives.

Q. How did you get stakeholder buy-in?

A: We made sure to engage with our PDF users and understand their daily workflows. Nitro came over to our site in Scotland and conducted some workshops where we really got that crucial buy in from the users. We learned the type of features they use and want to use, then customized training materials. There was a strong partnership between us, the users and Nitro.

Q. How does having that partnership impact the success of your business?

A: Having a vendor like Nitro where we have a two-hour response is amazing. We've worked with other PDF vendors before and there is no SLA. It’s about having a reliable partner. The adoption by our end users has also been significant. We're seeing more than 80% of our users taking advantage of advanced features, and that’s really boosting our productivity. We know that as we grow and our needs evolve, we can reach out to Nitro and get that change management support. So there’s that long-term approach.

You Deserve a Trusted PDF Partner

Howden's journey brilliantly showcases the strong impact collaboration and partnership have on a digital journey.

Download our guide with Nitro’s Four Pillars to Success and see how we help you simplify deployment, increase efficiencies, empower users and deliver a seamless technology transition—without the stress.

Go to Q&A Part 4: Tips for PDF Standardization from an IT Expert